Friday, January 14, 2011

Shooting in Tucson.

This story has really touched everyone I know. The shooting of Gabrielle Giffords and several others outside of a Safeway in Tucson, Arizona has been all over the news the last few days. Jared Lee Loughner, 22, is facing federal charges in the attack. Gabrielle Giffords survived the shooting and is responding well to medical treatments, an amazing feat considering she was shot in the head. While it seems Giffords may make a recovery, the nation is still mourning the loss of several others. One loss in particular has really saddened the nation, even President Obama couldn't help but get teary eyed when speaking about her. She is 9 year old Christina Green. She attended the event with a neighbor, the neighbor survived but she did not.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ted Williams made me cry.

What a ridiculous story. What an amazing story. What a story. A homeless man named Ted Williams is getting a second chance at life. They say he has a golden voice and I can't say that I disagree. He was discovered just a few days ago by Columbus Dispatch. Now, he's all over the Internet. Ted has received job offers from several radio stations and even the Cleveland Cavaliers. Yes, the Cleveland Cavaliers! Click on the link below to read more and to watch the video. You really have to watch the video to understand why people are going nuts for Mr. Ted Williams.